Teaching Political Risk Analysis

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Teaching Material : The First Manual in French

Edited volume : Analyse du risque politique (Political Risk Analysis) with Frédéric Mérand (ed.), Presses Universitaires de Montréal, 2021 (first trimester).

Review by the Conseil québéois d’études géopolitiques, L’analyse du risque politique – Conseil québécois d'Études géopolitiques (cqegheiulaval.com), 2022.

Interviews about the book : Adib Bencherif, Frédéric Mérand, L'analyse du risque politique - YouTube ; L' analyse de risque politique. Entretien avec Adib Bencherif et Frédéric Mérand - Bing video.

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Courses and seminars

Courses and seminars given in Canada and France.

•  Political Risk Analysis, University of Sherbrooke, POL 728 (every year or every two years).

•   Political Risk Analysis, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa, June-August 2018.

•   Simulation: Scenarios, Sahel as a case study, Political Risk Analysis, Summer School on Terrorism, Laval University (1/2 day in May 2018).

•   Summer School on Geopolitical Risk Analysis, CERIUM, University of Montréal (1/2 day in 2016 and 1 day in 2017)

•   Seminar, School of International Relations (ILERI), Paris, July 17-19, 2017.

Below a video - quite old and in French ;) - but it can introduce you to my teaching in PRA. I will work soon on contents in English. Stay tune!

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Other papers published on political risk analysis:

Scientific Article: "L’analyse du risque géopolitique : du plausible au probable ", Glocalism, n°3, 2015, 1-16. 

Chapter: “Réflexes analytiques et outils méthodologiques qualitatifs”, Chapitre 5, L’analyse du risque politique, with Frédéric Mérand, Presses Universitaires de Montréal (PUM), 2021.

Review: Louise Amoore, “The Politics of Possibility: Risk and Security Beyond Probability, Durham et Londres, Duke University Press, 2013, 220 p." in Politique et Sociétés, 35.2-3, 2016, pp.272-273 (Fr).

Blog article : “Quelques clés pour s’initier à l’analyse du risque politique”, Esprit RI, le blog officiel de l’ILERI, May 31, 2017.

I will publish soon a paper in English on the relevance of teaching PRA in departments of political science and schools in international relations.